For the last 4 years I have been primarily dancing in my house, well before COVID, and especially during it. Thankfully I’ve had a few wonderful opportunities to create communal dance experiences in Holly Springs, MS since 2021, mostly outside. What I am learning is that the dance is unstoppable. It will always come find me. It will always reach around and snap my bodymind to attention and command me to take the floor.
I’ve leaned about leadership.
Giving the courthouse lawn in Holly Springs a West African dance class intervention with members of Earthseed Collective, July 2021 as part of ART+FACT, a project sponsored by the Surdna Foundation via the National Performance Network’s Southern Artist for Social Change.
That is what taking a solo is all about. Making contact with the floor, the ground, sliding your sole across the surface, unaware of the next move that will select you is training for servant-leadership. It is never-ending. Ultimately, I’ve become a gerund, a suffix, -ing. Unwavering in my desire to express and share the joy that dance and kinetic thinking bring into my life.
Things are very good. Good and juicy!